Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Photo I took at Clearwater this summer...

"Do not begin to be anxious..." (Phil. 4:6, PBV)

The other day I was in deep thought contemplating what ultimately happens to me in situations that have made me anxious throughout life. I can't remember where I heard it but someone told me that if something won't matter in ten years it can't be that important -- so be especially vigilant about not allowing those things to stress you out.

So as I was contemplating situations that have caused me anxiety, I thought to myself, "what was it that stressed me out the most ten years ago?" As I recalled specific situations at that time I came to realize that absolutely none of what I had such angst about affects me at all today, in any way shape or form. What a waste of my energy back then!

I've learned that an important part of life is DOING BETTER once you KNOW BETTER.

I know better now.

Thank you Jesus, for helping me to think about the future with every decision I make, whether it is refusing to be anxious or determining to get excited about whatever it is you're calling me to do. I know that getting anxious is an indication that I don't trust you. I know that you are are worthy of trust. Thank you for taking care of me.

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