Friday, September 19, 2008

diamond sure do shine

“When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure."
~ Peter Marshall

You're reminding me

in many different ways

I'm becoming an oak

I'm becoming a diamond

How exciting to be chosen. Everything is about focus, isn't it?

Larry always prays, "God do something so big in my life that everyone will have no doubt that it's you. I'm learning that sometimes you have to get us to a place of desperation so that when you do the miracle, it will be undeniable that your hand is on us...unmistakable that it is your touch that has made the way.

p.s. please keep your hand on that "lamb" I mentioned the other night that I'm concerned about. They are wandering. And there is nothing more I can do. Lord, my eyes are completely on you. It really doesn't get any easier to see them go astray, does it? How do you do it? Um, yeah...that's're God. But you still cry...


Melissa said...

hmmm desperate...that sounds about right, you are describing me too. I think I must be a diamond girl too, Tara too I think! hmmm, Michele too.... I have a song I want to share with you...I will send it via email if I can figure out how to do that! Love ya girlfriend!

Aaron said...

Thank you, Lord. Help me focus. I don't like the growing process when I see nothing but feel everything.
That lamb is caught in a heart trap. Find them and intimately show a glimpse of heaven on earth to them so the desire for You cannot fade. Hear our prayers and help the helpless. Your ways and thoughts are better (way better) than any we can think up.

Michele said...

I have reached the point of desperation-so I am waiting for the undeniable touch from God-
I must becoming a mighty oak and the most precious diamond.